Automobile Injuries

More than 3 million people sustain automobile injuries every year in the United States, and upwards of 2 million develop permanent injuries after accidents. Here are some of the most common symptoms people involved in collisions experience:

  • Neck & back pain and stiffness
  • Joint pain
  • Stiffness in joints and lower back
  • Numbness and tingling in extremities
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Dizziness and balance dysfunction
  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Blurry vision

Although some of these symptoms may seem mild, they can have severe long-term effects if not properly treated in a timely manner after the accident.

photo of a woman post auto accident, promoting Carolina Physical Therapy automobile injury, automobile injuries whiplash treatment, and orthopedic rehabilitation services.

Here are three reasons you should see a PT following a car accident:

1.) A physical therapist will help you focus on everyday activities

PT can help ensure you are able to complete daily activities safely with minimal loss of function. Even the simplest of tasks, such as doing laundry or washing dishes, can be very challenging for people in pain. Physical therapists can help you learn new ways of completing these activities without limiting function.

2.) A physical therapist will ease your mind

It can feel like an eternity to wait weeks in between X-rays or check-ups with your doctor. Added stress from being unable to work, missing out on social activities, and the inability to keep up with daily routines can be mentally draining on any person. But when you visit a physical therapist in between waiting periods, you’re taking active control over your recovery. A PT will ensure you are making progress between follow-ups with your physician to get you back to normal daily activities.

After being released from restrictions, physical therapists can help you get back to your previous level of function. This is especially true when lower extremity fractures are involved. Learning to walk can be difficult and mentally taxing without professional help to point you in the right direction.

3.) A PT will help you maintain your physique

It can be frustrating to be kept from your normal daily exercise routine after an accident. A physical therapist can help you figure out ways to keep your body strong and maintain balance while you’re healing. It’s important to keep all areas surrounding your injury in order to return to your old self as quickly as possible.


How will Carolina Physical Therapy help you?

At Carolina Physical Therapy, our physical therapists often use modalities including heat, ice, electric stimulation, ultrasound, and massage to reduce the acute pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms associated with these conditions. They will also introduce gentle stretching and muscle strengthening gradually as some of the above symptoms subside. It is imperative to regain full range of motion and strength in order to complete simple day-to-day activities and work functions.


Attention Attorneys!

Are you looking for a physical therapy clinic to send your client? Look no further! We work closely with attorneys in the Columbia, Charleston, Rock Hill, and Sumter areas in South Carolina to ensure your clients are receiving the best care possible in a personal injury case. We can schedule evaluations within 24-48 hours of receiving the referral and are able to treat patients without a physician’s referral for up to 30 days. Call any of our offices for more information.