Carolina Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine is a proud sponsor of the Columbia Parkinson's Support Group.

Parkinson’s Rehabilitation

Parkinson’s Disease

When many people hear about the diagnosis of Parkinson’s, whether it be themselves or a loved one, it can often come with many emotions and uncertainties. Parkinson’s is a disorder affecting the nervous system that affects the way a person moves. Tremors are often the first symptom of the disease, and progression into slower movement and loss of balance often occur.


What some people don’t know is that Parkinson’s symptoms can be treated with physical therapy. There may be no cure, but a therapist can improve daily functions through a program called LSVT Big. LSVT Big requires specific certification and allows a therapist to work with Parkinson’s patients, and the results are astounding. Therapy can give back a patient’s freedom of movement through exercises that teach them control and understanding how to perform daily functions with their diagnosis. We offer LSVT Big therapy in our Forest Acres clinic (Columbia), North Charleston, and Northeast Columbia locations.

At Carolina Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, we understand how neurological conditions can affect a person and the ones they love.  Our number one goal is to see that our patient’s needs are met and that they are given every opportunity to regain their independence. We accomplish this with custom-tailored programs designed to regain the functions that have been impaired. The commitment, personal attention, and quality of care we devote to each one of our patients give them the opportunity to achieve their goals.